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We Offer A Lot


Lessons are offered starting at age seven, for those looking to advance in their skills or start from the beginning. We have a variety of well-trained lesson horses available. Lessons are an hour long and there is a maximum of four students per lesson. Many lesson students work their way up to competing at local Gymkhanas which we take them to. We also have helped several of our lesson students purchase their first horse.


Horse Camps

Single Day Camps

We offer one day kids camps, tailored to several different skill levels.


Weeklong Camps

This kids camp is offered during school breaks to allow for horseback riding opportunities.


Adult Mini Camps

Opportunity to spend time with horses tailored for adults specifically.


All camps involve lots of horse time, education and fun activities.


We participate in the Queen Creek Gymkhana Club events, which happen about 10 times a year. Our students are given the opportunity to compete, where many of them continuously place at the top. The Gymkhanas are good for any level rider and tend to further spark a passion for horseback riding. This is one of our favorite things to do at Sonny on the Rox.



  • Alfalfa/Bermuda fed twice daily.

  • Specialized grain regiment using ADM feeds.

  • Farrier scheduled and coordinated.

  • Vet scheduled onsite twice a year.

  • Resources and connections with many other horse service providers.

  • Advanced knowledge on horse care, health, etc.

  • Facility newly built in October 2021.


For additional information on the facilities check out the facilities information page.





Horse Training

Training a horse, is similar to managing people. When you “finish” the training process, it never officially ends. Hailey has been riding and training horses for many years. She is also an expert when it comes to leading people and has specialized in training other leaders. When leading people, consistency is key. If you are going to penalize someone, you need to make sure you penalize every person, every time it happens, when someone goes above and beyond, reward them. This gains respect and often results in a team that works harder for you and honors you as a leader. This is the same when it comes to horses. You need to be consistent. Horses are herd animals, and they will test you, you need to show them that you are their leader. We specialize in finding where the horse has opportunities, what the bad habits are, etc. Then we work on correcting and building. When the owner comes to pick them up, we show and instruct them on what was worked on and how they can continue the progress.


We offer two options when it comes to training.

With both options, horses will still achieve similar results in the end.


Option 1 – month to month

The “month to month” option is the common horse training you see offered by horse trainers. Consistently riding the horse on average of five days a week within a 30-day period.


Option 2 – sustainable method

The “sustainable method” is a unique proprietary training option specific to Sonny on the Rox. This training option is recommended if you are a rider that isn’t going to be riding your horse consistently. The rate for this training option includes board for your horse for two months with 30 days’ worth of training. When a horse is ridden steadily for 30 days, they develop a schedule, if that schedule is disrupted when they go home due to inconsistent riding, they tend to start unlearning. With the sustainable method, your horse is still being provided 30 days’ worth of training, but it is over the course of two months. This way, the horses riding time can get spread out. We can let them sit for a week then go back to riding them, so they can get ridden similarly to how they would be ridden at home. This allows for us to accurately determine where a horse may still have opportunities that would most likely present themselves once the horse is back home and out of a normal training routine.


Horse Sales

As our mission states – we are here to help horses find their purpose. One way we can do that is by training horses to not only help them find their purpose, but also find their person. Since, we can’t keep every horse, we need to sell a lot of them. We want to make sure the horses we sell find a nice home, for that to happen, honesty is of the utmost importance. We also know that horse buying can be a stressful process, so we try to make it lighthearted and easy as possible.


To see the horses, we are currently offering for sale, visit our sales page.

Feed Distributor

As with any living creature, nutrition is of the utmost importance. After trying many different feeds over the years, ADM feeds has proven to be the best in our opinion.


We found out about ADM when we lived in Minnesota, and it hasn't quite found its way to Arizona in a large scale. With that, we decided to become a supplier.


For more information on the specific types we carry, visit our feed page.

Disclaimer Notice

Lessons and Horse Camps – as everyone knows, there is always a risk of injury when it comes to horses. We always aim to make things as safe as possible, but that risk is always there.

Boarding – we believe horses are meant to be in a herd and not couped up in a stall. Although they are only in herds of four, horses do challenge the pecking order, so there is always a possibility for injury

Training – we have much experience when it comes to training horses, and we do everything in our power to achieve our clients' goals. However, no two horses are the same and so things may take longer than expected and on rare occasions the goals may not be attainable.

Sales – we are as honest as possible when it comes to our horses in order to do that, we try to gain as much knowledge about them, before selling. We aim to find the best possible situation for the horse and will refuse to sell if we do not feel you are a good match. Even if we feel it is a good match, horses are complex animals and skill levels are subjective, so there could be challenges that arise upon bringing them home.

Feed Distribution – we believe in ADM feeds, and it has worked for us, however we are not a certified equine nutritionist. We will provide information based on what is working for us, but we recommend doing your own research when it comes to creating the best feeding plan for your horse.

Photography and Filming - photos and videos may be taken in connection with the promotional and publicity campaign of Sonny on the Rox. By your presence on site, you acknowledge that you have been informed that you may be photographed and recorded. 

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